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Our network strives to promote collaboration and sharing of resources between Azerbaijani Christians and North American partners so that the name of Jesus is honored among Azerbaijanis everywhere. We do this through deep relationships--in person and face-to-face as often as we can.

Your giving strengthens Azerbaijani believers as they boldly share the Gospel, make disciples, and start new churches.


We invite you to prayerfully consider empowering our mission to serve the Azerbaijani people through financial investment in our network. Monthly giving helps us to sustain our ongoing ministry. One-time giving helps us pursue special initiatives.

Click the button below to give online via PayPal.

You will have the option to give once or set up monthly contributions.

This contribution is made with the understanding that the North American Azerbaijani Network has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds.

If we cannot honor your preference, your gift will be used where most needed.


You can also give by sending a check to

North American Azerbaijani Network

4225 Gettysburg Ave N

New Hope MN 55428

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